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Last Minute Ideas for Earth Day

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Earth Day is April 22nd, and time is running out to get custom printed supplies! Luckily, New Resources Group offers great stock items that usually ship in just 1-2 business days.* Here are a few examples of our stock items! Please contact us for pricing. 

Water Rulers

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A fun education item. The water ruler has gauges for measuring water losses from leaks, letting you spread awareness about water waste and promote fixing leaks.

Water Ruler Educational Item - perfect for Earth Day!

Dye Tablets

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Get the word about silent toilet leaks by providing a quick and easy way to find them! Just drop the dye tablets in the tank, and check the bowl for color. If you see color in the bowl, you need repairs.

Dye tablets for finding hidden toilet leaks

Garden Hose Repair Kit 

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As winter comes to an end, it'll be time to water lawns again. According to the EPA, as much as 50% of water used outdoors goes to waste. Fixing up hose leaks can help save some of that wasted water and help you water lawns instead of sidewalks. 

Garden Hose Repair Kit for reducing outdoor water waste

*Time to ship subject to availability and other factors. Let us know when you need it, and we'll work with you to make that happen! 

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