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Why Should You Run a Conservation Program?

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Water conservation programs protect the health of our area's water supply, protect the local environment, and make life easier for residents.  By ensuring the water supply, conservation programs also help utility companies, financially and otherwise.   We supply shower heads and other water saving supplies to a variety of water providers: city governments, water conservation districts, utility companies, and others.  

If you haven't already, here are some of the reasons you may want to start a conservation program.  Want to learn more?  Contact us today and ask for a quote, or an overview of how we can help your district! 

  1. Avoiding Harsher Measures - Water shortages can lead to lawn watering restrictions and other restrictive rules.  Taking less drastic measures earlier, such as distributing lower flow shower heads, can help you avoid stricter measures.  
  2. Protecting the Environment - Less water in showers and more in local lakes and rivers safeguards the local environment.  
  3. Avoid Expensive Upgrades - Going over an extra threshold of water use may incur upgrade costs into the millions for new waste processing plants and other infrastructure.  Conservation programs help you avoid expensive upgrade situations by keeping water use lower. 
  4. Drought - If your reservoirs are running dry, conservation measures become a necessity.
  5. Protecting the Water Supply - Of course, it's better to not let things turn to drought! Taking measures to guard your water supply in advance helps avoid droughts in the first place.  
  • Conservation District
  • Conservation Program
  • Utility Companies
  • Water Conservation
  • Water District
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